DINNER’S READY NOW DELIVERS SUPER-TASTY MEALS TO YOUR DOORSTEP. Our food always delivers on taste and convenience, and now we’re making it even easier to get hold of. Free delivery – to either your home or workplace – with orders over $55. 4 Easy steps to order your delicious dinners without leaving home:
Choose your meals from the menu: www.dinnersready.com.au
Call us on 6457 2814
Tell us what you’d like, and pay by card
We deliver to your doorstep
Delivery areas: Jindabyne & Berridale (within town boundaries)
Delivery times: Check for times before the October long weekend. Proposed times after 3rd October are: Jindabyne 4-6pm Wed-Friday, 10am-Noon Saturday - Berridale after 6pm, Wed-Friday
(Please note that all meals are frozen, so you can buy enough for the week ahead.)
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TREAT DAD TO A VERY SPECIAL FATHER'S DAY FEAST FROM DINNER'S READY, AND SAVE YOURSELF WORK AT THE SAME TIME: We're opening early on Sunday so you still have time to buy a really-easy-but-delish lunch (and dinner) for the family. Full-bodied curries, African Chicken, Lamb Shanks, Beef Bourguignon, Hearty Beef Lasagne, Fall-apart-tender Meat Pies, and lots more. All ready to just heat-and-eat, and perfect for a great celebration with minimum fuss (especially if the weather's cancelled the BBQ!)
Saturday 12-6pm, Sunday 10-12 and 4-6pm.
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Brought an Apple Crumble home last night. The perfect warming pud for a winter's night. Leave it in the oven long enough so that you can see the butter bubbling away on the topping. Then the crumble starts to caramelise, and becomes beautifully chewy - a perfect complement to the soft, warm apple underneath Add Creme Anglaise, or keep it simple with custard or Pure Vanilla ice cream. Heaven on a plate. (But not for long!)
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This election night leave the car in the driveway, and treat yourself to a drink (or two) and one of our fabulous meals. No driving. No cooking. Just heat and eat. Whoever wins, you'll still be celebrating!
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Dinner's Ready - perfect for school holidays! After a long energetic day on the ski slopes you can leave the cooking to someone else. All you have to do is heat up our delicious prepared meals while you have a shower and pour a glass of wine. Isn't that what holidays are supposed to be about?
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