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The Benefits of Freezing

The Benefits of Freezing

Freezing Is Nature’s Preservative

The Benefits of Freezing Food

Optimum Freshness, Flavour & Nutrition

When food is snap-frozen immediately after cooking all the freshness, flavour and nutrients in the food are ‘locked in’ while they’re at their peak. They will stay that way until you defrost your meal, meaning that it’s as perfect when you eat it as when it was just cooked. ‘Fresh’ food that sits in a fridge naturally degrades hour by hour, losing not just its flavours and textures, but its vitamins and minerals as well. Freezing – Nature’s Preservative – makes sure your food is in optimum condition until the moment it hits your fork.

Natural & Free From Preservatives

Frozen foods don’t need to contain preservatives because freezing is a natural form of preserving. All natural foods start to break down the moment they’re picked, or cooked. Many food producers have found that the way to keep their foods on the shelf for longer is to add preservatives - most of which are chemicals. Frozen food does not need preservatives to stay perfect. It’s a wholly natural process that just needs a reduction in temperature. Instead of using chemicals to keep foods on the shelf or in the fridge, frozen foods just use ice. And what could be more natural than that? Freezing: Nature’s preservative

Time Saving

Making a meal each night takes time. Time spent thinking of what to eat, getting to the supermarket, shopping for the food, hand preparing the ingredients, and then cooking it. We’re all increasingly time-poor nowadays. Having a range of premium pre-cooked, healthy meals in your freezer gives you back that time each day – without sacrificing any quality. So you can spend your time doing the things you love


Days don’t always go the way you intend them to...... Even if you’ve meant to cook a great dinner at home, something often crops up to prevent that happening. Keeping some of your favourite pre-cooked meals in your freezer means that you always have something to hand on the days when your plans don’t work out. If you’ve had a insanely busy day (or week) our frozen meals help you can cope with whatever has to be done, and still eat well. Great food, no fuss.


Eat what you want, when you want. Having a range of premium, pre-cooked meals in your freezer is like having your own instant restaurant inside your home. You get to choose exactly the meal you feel like at that moment. And it takes only minutes to reheat it into its original kitchen-perfect condition. Perfect food in a flash.

Keeps for as Long as You Want

Fresh foods start to break down as soon as they’re picked or prepared - the timer is running as soon as you buy them. Some foods will give you a leeway of a day, and some a little longer. Eventually they all spoil with a week or two. Depending on the ingredients, foods that have been frozen can extend that window of keeping food nutritious and healthy up to 3 months, 6 months or even 12 months. Leaving you so much more time to enjoy them.

Less Wastage

It’s estimated that about 30-40% of the food we buy from the supermarkets is never eaten. It simply gets thrown away. That’s not only a huge waste of our resources, but also a big drain on your bank account. One of the main reasons for this wastage is fresh food that we haven’t had time to get to. The food breaks down until it’s no longer appetizing (or fit to eat) and so we’ve no option but to throw it out. Freezing suspends the enzyme activity that causes food to rot. Keeping premium frozen meals in your freezer means there is zero waste. They are also portioned out so you take what you need, when you need it. Nothing spoils, so nothing needs to be thrown out.

Saving Money – Dish by Dish

Whenever you cook a meal there’s a natural amount of wastage in some of the ingredients you prepare. Also some recipes call for ingredients that you’ll only use a fraction of, meaning the rest often spoils and has to be thrown out. When buying a premium, frozen meal, there’s zero wastage. So, as well as saving your time, it also saves your money.

Food Safety

Freezing reduces the number of potentially harmful bacteria that can cause food poisoning. It does that by preventing micro-organisms from growing (which happens naturally as fresh food degrades.) Freezing suspends microbial and fungal activity in food. As long as it’s frozen, it’s safe.

No Seasonal Boundaries

Freezing – Nature’s preservative – means that we can now all have the foods we love, whatever the season.

Portion Controlled

Frozen meals offer portion-controlled sizes, so that you know exactly how much you’re eating at each meal. They also have full nutrition panels on the packaging so that you know which ingredients went into your meal, and their nutritional content – kilojoules, carbohydrates, fats, sugars etc. Because of that frozen foods make it easy for you to keep control of your energy intake, along with your levels of fat, carbohydrates, sugars and sodium. Eating premium, frozen pre-cooked meals is a great, no-fuss way to ensure that you’re eating healthily whilst keeping an eye on how much you eat.

Research Tells Us That Frozen Foods Can Contain More Nutrients Than Fresh…

Recent studies have indicated that not only is there no difference in nutrition between frozen produce and fresh produce - sometimes frozen produce has more nutrients.......

Fruits and vegetables are as rich in nutrients, and often more so, than that of fresh-stored produce according to recent studies by the University of California-Davis (UC Davis) and the University of Georgia (UGA). (1)

In fact, a "market basket" study by UGA found the amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and folates in several frozen fruits and vegetables are actually greater than their fresh-stored counterparts. (1)

Two similar studies sponsored by the British Frozen Food Federation included more than 40 comparison tests of fresh versus frozen produce. In two-thirds of the tests, frozen fruits and vegetables had higher levels of vitamin C, total antioxidant polyphenols, lutein, beta-carotene and anthocyanins (antioxidant compounds found in foods such as berries) than fresh produce after refrigerated storage. (2)

“Freezing in essence is nature’s pause button,” commented researcher Ronald Pegg, PhD. “It maintains freshness, slows down enzymatic reactions, increases the time it takes anything to degrade.” Fresh produce, by contrast, is “a living material—it respires, there’s oxidation and enzymes operating. It degrades over time and loses nutrients. That’s normal and to be expected.” (3)


(1) http://www.frozenfoodfacts.org/about-frozen-foods/frozen-food-facts
(2) Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter https://www.nutritionletter.tufts.edu/issues/10_14/current-articles/The-Pros-and-Cons-of-Frozen-Foods_1646-1.html
(3) 2013 study at the University of Georgia. Researcher Ronald Pegg, PhD