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Deliveries to Canberra Every Tuesday and Thursday

Canberra Region

Canberra Region

Here's where our Dinner's Ready Meals can be found in Canberra, and surrounding areas. (We also have outlets in the Snowy Mountains)

Our super-tasty, incredibly easy Dinner's Ready meals can be found in the following stores. Some have the full range in our dedicated freezers, and others have a smaller range of meals. You can find out more details below...


Ainslie - Ainslie IGA

A good selection of our meals are available here
​9/11 Edgar Street, Ainslie, ACT 2602
6248 5777
Hours: Saturday-Thursday 8am to 8pm Friday - 8am to 9pm


Belconnen - Tom's Superfruits (Capital Food Markets)

A large selection of our meals are available here, on 3 shelves in their freezer section
12 Lathlain Street, Belconnen, ACT 2617
6253 4162
Hours: Wednesday-Sunday - 7am to 6pm

Bungendore, NSW - Pearl Energy

42-44 Malbon St, Bungendore NSW 2621
0494 081 198

Open till late every day

Chapman - SupaExpress

A good selection of our meals are available here
​Perry Drive, Chapman, ACT 2611
6288 5858
Hours: 7.00am to 8.30pm weekdays, 7.00-8.00 on weekends

​Curtin - Prohibition Bottle Shop

A large selection of our meals are available here
​Shop 1, 44 Curtin Place, Curtin, ACT 2605
6295 0864
Hours: 11.00am to 9pm every day

Deakin - SupaExpress

A good selection of our meals are available here ​
25-27 Hopetoun Circuit, Deakin, ACT 2600
6281 5192
​Hours: 7.30 am to 8.00 pm every day

Fyshwick - BP

A dedicated freezer full of our meals is available here
2 Ipswich St, Fyshwick, ACT 2609

6280 6881
Hours: Open 24 hours each day

Fyshwick - Deli Planet (Fyshwick Markets)

A large selection of our meals are available here
​12 Dalby St, Fyshwick, ACT 2609
6295 8067 www.deliplanet.net.au
Hours: 8am-5.30 Thursday to Sunday

Griffith - Griffith Grocer

A good selection of our meals are available here
2 Barker St, Griffith ACT 2603 6295 0781
Hours: Monday 7.30am to 7.30pm; Tuesday-Saturday 7.30 to 8pm; Sunday 8am to 7pm

Kaleen - SupaExpress

A good selection of our meals are available here, in their freezer section ​
Gwydir Square, Maribyrnong Ave, Kaleen, ACT 2617
6241 1734
Hours: 7.30am-8.30 pm Monday-Saturday - Sunday 8am-8pm

Kingston - Prohibition Bottle Shop

A large selection of our meals are available here, in a dedicated freezer
​Cnr Giles St & Eastlake Parade, Kingston Foreshore, ACT 2604
6295 0864
Hours: Monday-Sunday - 11am-9pm, sometimes later.....

Queanbeyan East - BP Yass Road

A good selection of our meals are available here
50 Yass Road, Queanbeyan East, NSW 2620
​6297 8777
Hours: ​24 hours, Monday-Sunday

Red Hill - SupaExpress

A very large selection of our meals are available here. We have an entire, dedicated door in their freezer section
Duyfken Place, Red Hill, ACT 2603
6295 9867
Hours: Monday-Sunday - 7am-8.30pm

Yarralumla - IGA

A large selection of our meals are available here, to be found in their freezer section
23 Bentham St, Yarralumla, ACT 2600
6282 4122
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7.30am-8.00pm Sunday - 8am-7pm


Food you want to come home to