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Deliveries to Canberra Every Tuesday and Thursday
Our pasta - all made by hand, as only an Italian can.

Our pasta - all made by hand, as only an Italian can.

Our pasta - all made by hand, as only an Italian can.
The ethos of Italian food - simplicity, a deep respect for food, and using the very best ingredients you can. And then knowing how to treat those ingredients - which takes knowledge, experience and care.

Our Italian chef is passionate (and possibly obsessive) about all of these steps. There's even a meter in the kitchen that measures the level of humidity, and the recipe for making the pasta changes slightly according to the levels that day.
All his recipes have been amended so that when the pasta is frozen, and then reheated, it remains just as perfect as when it was first made.

All this love and attention to detail really does show in his food. The flavour and texture of the pasta are second to none, and you can tell that the sauces have been tended to with care and slowly simmered to allow the flavours to develop and deepen, and for the meat to become beautifully tender.

All that attention means that there's nothing left for you to do. Just heat and eat. And enjoy!