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Deliveries to Canberra Every Tuesday and Thursday
Meals for groups made so easy.......

Meals for groups made so easy.......

GROUP MEALS BY DINNER'S READY. Do you run a group that needs great no-fuss meals? If you're busy all day taking a group hiking/painting/walking/water ski-ing/camping/riding/ or training and want to come back at the end of the day to a beautiful home-cooked meal that doesn't take long to prepare - we can help! We can provide you with any of the meals on our menu - and all you'll have to do is heat them up, add some veggies or rice - and you'll have a hearty, home-cooked meal for everyone. Quickly, and with no fuss. We've had really great feedback from groups who are catering this way about how easy and tasty it is. Just go to our menu to see how much choice there is.....