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Deliveries to Canberra Every Tuesday and Thursday
July 26th, 2020

July 26th, 2020

SLOW-COOKED, FALL-APART, TENDER LAMB SHANKS. Perfect for these cold, wet, windy, winter nights. Our chef puts these in the oven at 5 in the morning so that they have heaps of time to slow-cook during the day, till the meat is ready to just fall off the bone. Tenderly cooked in a vegetable sauce with home-made beef stock, tomatoes, carrots, onion, celery , red wine, garlic, rosemary, thyme and bay leaves - these shanks taste just like home made - only you haven't had to lift a finger.

A little comfort, and just what you deserve after a hard days work, or play (maybe even with a glass of red?)

​ (TIP: These can be reheated in the oven in minutes, but to retain that fall-off-the-bone tenderness and get them at their absolute best, we find that it's best to defrost them in the fridge the night before, and then just zap them for about 3-4 minutes when you're ready to eat.)